Stakeholder Engagement. Communication Management. Public Relationships Strategy – it’s a fine balance. Operating in today’s business environment requires organizations to develop integrated strategies that align public engagement and communication best practises, to protect and grow your organization’s reputation, to showcase project innovation, and to adapt the way in which you’re engaging critical audiences.


EJS PR will work with you to determine who to engage, why you need to engage with them, how to identify and navigate engagement risks, what to say, how to say it, and when. A risk-based, data-informed, and experience-driven plan will create confidence in your team’s ability to build stakeholder relationships and advance organizational goals and project support.


Seamless integration into client teams allows us to quickly understand your organization’s culture, brand and communication or engagement style. An audit of your organization’s engagement and communication processes, coupled with an internal and external risk assessment, will help us determine the right-sized level of support to begin providing needed capacity for your projects on day one.


If you’re looking for some riveting reading material on a Friday night, we’ve got you covered. Check out The Latest – because there’s not enough characters on Twitter to capture these ramblings. 

  • You’ve probably already guessed this musing isn’t in reference to golfing, but rather a little ditty about how I brought to life (please use my golf advice at your own discretion). ...

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